Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Benefits of School Success Through a Davis Math Tutoring Program

The Benefits of School Success Through a Davis Math Tutoring ProgramBefore you sign up for a Davis Math Tutoring Program, there are some things you should be aware of. The education system is very broken, and parents are struggling just to keep up with the numbers. The best way to get ahead is by spending your time wisely.It can be difficult at times to focus on your family and their needs in a chaotic environment. However, if you make sure you have all the resources available to you, you will find that it is much easier to make decisions about the future. In this case, you need to make sure you enroll in a program that has been successful, and one that knows how to help your family.In order to make sure your children have a good working relationship with the Davis Math Tutoring Center, you need to make sure they are kept busy with the right resources. We do not want them sitting in class all day doing nothing. This is why we make sure our child has all the fun activities they can ha ndle.Keeping your child interested is not only about math. They need to have a positive attitude in school and develop the will power to persevere when faced with challenges in life. We know that this is hard for some families to achieve, but if you keep up the pressure and distractions, your child will realize that they are not just learning about the subject, but they are also building relationships with other students. This can lead to a great self-esteem and motivation.When it comes to your child's academic success, it's important to make sure that their school is learning and thriving. These are the students that you want to emulate and continue the education your child is getting from the Davis Math Tutoring Center. Not all of them need to follow in your footsteps, but it would be nice to see a child who has already learned to manage their own learning.It is absolutely vital that your child is enrolled in the best math tutoring program around. It is especially vital that your child enrolls in a program that can provide them with the tools they need to excel academically. There are many different programs out there. Some of them can really help your child excel, while others are simply not capable of providing the help they need.Make sure that your child is getting the tools they need to succeed so that they can show you positive results when it comes to their education. Make sure that you are not just looking at the numbers, but you are taking a look at the outcomes. If your child is performing well in class, then it's time to move on to the next step.If you feel that the tutoring program is not providing you with what you need, then you might consider finding a support group to learn from. All you need to do is find one that meets your requirements, and you can learn from them. You will be surprised at how these groups can truly benefit your child's education. They can show you how to implement strategies, and they can also help you teach your child the skills they need to perform better.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Study Soulmates! The Best Language Learning App(s) for You

Study Soulmates! The Best Language Learning App(s) for You Study Soulmates! The Best Language Learning App(s) for You Finding your soulmate is a challenge that can take a lifetime.Sometimes, someone seems great on the surface, but some unknown factor just doesnt click.You might try adjusting yourself to make things work.You can change your hair. You can learn to eat pineapple on your pizza. You can start listening to Nickelback.But at some point, youll reach your breaking point. One can only pretend to like Nickelback for so long.While finding the right language learning app might not be quite as harrowing as finding a life partner, it can be nearly as challenging. The struggle is real.It can be frustrating for anyone, whether youre looking for an iPhone app  or an Android app.Popular language apps  enjoy a huge fan base, but will you be among the adoring masses?Addictive language apps can get users hooked on learning, but what if youre just not the addictive type?While theres no foolproof method for finding your perfect mate or perfect app, knowing yourself better can give you an edge. Thats where personality tests come in handy.Yep, personality tests.You may have heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Its one of the most popular personality assessments. Through a simple questionnaire, it can be used to categorize people based on four sets of opposing traits.This gives you data to speculate on everything from career goals to big life decisions to, of course, romance.So what if you could also be matched with your perfect language app according to whether youre an ENFJ, an INTP or any of the other MBTI personality types?Well, now you can!In this post, well tell you which of the best language learning apps you match with based on your personality. Why Choose Apps Based on Your Personality Traits?Choosing an app based on your personality traits can help you play to your strengths. Everyone has different things that really work for them. So if, for instance, your personality indicates that you respond well to structure, why not focus on using a structured app?Plus, cho osing the right app for your personality can help you compensate for your weaknesses. Language learning requires a wide array of skills. However, based on your personality type, some of these skills could be challenging to acquire. After all, if youre an introvert, getting conversational practice can be exhausting. Luckily, there are apps that can help you compensate for any potential weakness.Finally, basing your app choices on your personality traits can help you accommodate multiple facets of your personality. There are different apps that play to each aspect of your personality. Mix and match apps to take into account your personality as a whole.Plus, lets be honest. Its just fun!Study Soulmates! The Best Language Learning App(s) for YouTo see which apps you match with in the categories below, youll need to first take a personality test to see which traits apply to you. The apps below are sorted into the eight personality aspects in MBTI that show up in your given type: Extrover sion, Introversion, Sensing, Intuiting, Thinking, Feeling, Judging and Perceiving.There are plenty of formal, spendy MBTI assessments. However, if youre looking for a simple, free version, check out  16Personalities. While a few trait names are listed differently (most notably, perceiving is called prospecting), the basic concepts remain the same.Any PersonalityFluentURegardless of your personality type, FluentU is here for you through thick and thin. Heres where the love match analogy briefly breaks down, because FluentU gives you what you cant (and honestly probably shouldnt) have in a soulmate: customization and flexibility with little to no effort on your part.You pick your pace. You choose what you learn. Meanwhile, FluentU uses real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and moreâ€"to give you an in-context learning experience.Each video is captioned and the captions are annotated, giving you plenty of additional information to access whenever you need itâ€"lik e definitions, example sentences and associated images.If you want to change up your learning experience, try learn mode. In learn mode, videos, images and example sentences are combined into flashcards and exercises for more engaging study.Regardless of your skill level, FluentU can help you improve your language skills, and whats more, it takes the time to really get to know you. FluentUs algorithm takes learner history into account when presenting you with questions, ensuring that youre building on what youve already learned.ExtraversionExtraversion often manifests as the degree to which someone is outgoing. People who score high in this area usually get energy from being around other people and enjoy working and interacting with others. If you score high on this trait, the apps below may be just what youve been longing for.HelloTalkAvailable: iOS | AndroidIf you get your energy from interacting with others, HelloTalk will give you all the energy you need! HelloTalk helps you con nect with native speakers for free, giving you valuable language practice. You can use voice, text or video chat, which allows you to connect however youre most comfortable.Additionally, HelloTalk offers tools to make chatting easier. Built-in aids supply you with translation or pronunciation help so you can focus more on the good stuff: a fun conversation!HelloTalk also allows you to make public posts for native speakers of your target language to see, making it easy to ask questions or find your next conversation partner.TandemAvailable: iOS | AndroidReady to get your chat on? Tandem can help connect you to native speakers you can practice your skills with.With over 3 million people enjoying Tandem, youll probably be able to find someone you hit it off with. To find partners, all you need to do is list select what language or languages you want to learn during registration. Then, youll automatically get matched with potential partners. Once you find someone you like, follow them s o that you can connect with them again in the future.You can chat via video or text and send pictures or audio messages.IntroversionIntroversion is the opposite of extraversion. If youre introverted, being around others can drain your energy, and introverts usually prefer to work alone. The apps below can be great companions for solitary study.MondlyAvailable: iOS | AndroidIf youre an introvert, getting speaking practice can be daunting. And ironically, if you dont practice speaking, when you have to interact in your target language down the road, it can seem that much more intimidating.But to practice speaking, you have to talk to people. Or do you?With Mondlys Android app, you can practice your language skills using their virtual reality feature. The app uses realistic scenarios like eating at a restaurant, getting a taxi and more. A character speaks to you, and you respond verbally from a list of options. Youll even get immediate feedback on your pronunciation.Beyond virtual real ity, though, a lot of the learning on this app revolves around listening to and participating in conversations perfect for getting in some speaking practice on your own!Mango LanguagesAvailable: iOS | AndroidMango Languages focuses on building up your language knowledge to give you the conversation skills you need.To get you conversation-ready, Mango Languages teaches you the basic building blocks before advancing on to conversational skills. Since Mango Languages will give you some conversation practice, though, interacting with real people down the road should be a breeze!Mango Languages also includes some cultural information, so youll have what you need to avoid any possible faux pas. No need to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself!SensingIf you scored high in the sensing category, chances are that you lean heavily on your five senses. You focus on whats concrete and what youve experienced. Because of this, theres a strong chance that you like logic and order. Here are a c ouple apps that feel exactly the same way.busuuAvailable: iOS | AndroidIf you need logic and order, busuu might be just what you need to keep yourself on course. Thats because busuu aims to teach you a language in just 10 minutes a dayâ€"perfect if youre already booked for the other 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day.Plus, busuu breaks content down into organized, numbered lessons, so the path ahead of you will be clear.And dont worry, there are plenty of opportunities to use your senses. Activities like flashcards and quizzes can appeal to your sight, while conversations with native speakers can exercise your hearing.Rocket LanguagesAvailable: iOS | AndroidNeed concrete details to really feel comfortable with a language? Try Rocket Languages.Since people who score high in sensing often want the hard facts, you might like Rocket Languages focus on details. For instance, in-depth cultural lessons and audio lessons provide you with the specifics you need to understand the language.Plu s, a variety of different activities will give your senses a workout. You can get the experience you need through writing lessons, speaking practice, quizzes, listening activities and more.Download the app, or get the hard facts about what they offer for the language youre learning right on their website:ArabicChineseFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseKoreanPortugueseRussianSpanishIntuitingIf you score high in intuiting, you probably trust your gut. Youre probably less interested in detail than a broad overview. However, you may have exceptional skill in spotting patterns. The apps below are right on the same wavelength.BeelinguappAvailable: iOS | AndroidSince youre good at spotting patterns, you might prefer language learning opportunities that allow you to learn by using the language rather than studying the underlying structure. Beelinguapp is a great tool for that.Beelinguapp provides side-by-side texts in your target language and your native language. You can read in your target langua ge and simply glance at the translation if you need a little assistance. Beelinguapp also offers karaoke-style audio, highlighting the excerpt as its spoken. This way, you can improve your language skills by recognizing patterns in either spoken or written language.DuolingoAvailable: iOS | AndroidThrough repetition, Duolingo might be able to help you understand the structure of a language intuitively.Duolingos main focus is repetition-based activities to teach you grammar and vocabulary. While there are brief written lessons before these activities, the main method of learning is using the language rather than studying. So while you might not be able to explain a certain verb conjugation after using Duolingo, it may turn out you can use it correctly.ThinkingPeople who score high in thinking usually lean heavily on logic. They tend to like clear rules and are often task-oriented. These apps understand you perfectly.BabbelAvailable: iOS | AndroidBabbel focuses on practical skills you can use in real conversations that youre likely to encounter. Covering common themes like shopping, dining and transportation will help you practice the vocabulary youre most likely to use.When youre an independent learner, it can be hard to know if youre pronouncing something correctly. But as a thinker, you probably want to know youre right, so you might like that Babbels speech recognition technology will check your pronunciation for you.Plus, Babbels 10-15 minute lessons are short enough that you can make sure you meet your learning goal each day.LingvistAvailable: iOS | AndroidAs a thinker, you appreciate logic, and Lingvist has a lot of it to offer.Thats because Lingvist focuses on the most relevant vocabulary. With over 4000 words, theres plenty to learn, but the focus is on the material youre most likely to use in the real world.Plus, Lingvist offers a focused approach, teaching you based on what you already know. No need to waste time restudying over and over again!Lingvist is the product of combined efforts of linguists, scientists and developers, so thinkers may also appreciate the thought and research behind the app.FeelingThose who score high in feeling often prioritize the feelings of others over hard facts. These apps care about your feelings, too.MemriseAvailable: iOS | AndroidSince feelers care about people, you might connect better with an app thats more people-focused. Memrise might be just what youre looking for.Thats because Memrise features over 30,000 videos featuring native speakers. Rather than just focusing on the words themselves, you can see and hear the emotions of the speakers.Plus, chatbots can help you simulate real interactions with people, giving you helpful, interactive practice.LinguaTVAvailable: iOS | AndroidWish you could see how language is used in real situations? LinguaTV will show you.LinguaTV offers videos of native speakers using their languages in common situations you may encounter, like eating out, traveling or wo rking.Not only will this help students learn relevant, useful vocabulary, its also likely to engage feelers, who might be able to connect with the scenarios on a more emotional level.JudgingIf you scored high in the judging category, you might like order and structure. You probably also enjoy making decisions and taking control of a situation. But you may not mind letting these apps take control of your language learning.Rosetta StoneAvailable: iOS | AndroidSince judgers like order and structure, theyre likely to respond to apps that act more like conventional courses, and this makes Rosetta Stone a great option.Rosetta Stone is broken down into convenient lessons and units to teach you all the finer points of the language.However, just because the material is broken down into lessons doesnt mean youre not in the drivers seat. In fact, you can still make plenty of key choices, like using extended learning featuresâ€"such as a phrasebook, downloadable lessons and more.Be proactive by checking out whats available for your target language on their site:ArabicChineseFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseKoreanPortugueseSpanishDaily Dose of LanguageAvailable: iOS | AndroidBecause judgers like order and structure, they often prefer a set timetable. Schedules can be tight, but judgers prefer things stay on schedule.And do you know whats easy to fit into even the busiest schedule? A one-minute daily dose of language learning. Yes, each day, Daily Dose of Language from Innovative Language provides free one-minute mini lessons on topics like vocabulary, slang and culture. You can even get a daily reminder to let you know that your lesson is ready.PerceivingPerceiving types tend to value flexibility. Because of their natural curiosity, perceiving types usually enjoy new ideas and opportunities. These apps will stay flexible with you, and give you the sense of adventure you crave.LingQAvailable: iOS | AndroidAs a perceiver, you probably like trying new methods and following your own path, so LingQ might be right up your alley.LingQ aims to teach you a language through content. While there are thousands of hours of audio and plenty of written material already available, you can also import other web content to turn it into a learning tool. Then, the app allows you to look up and save any new words or phrases you might encounter for easy studying.Not only is this a new and innovative approach to learning, its also fully flexible since you choose your own content.DropsAvailable: iOS | AndroidIf you cant resist trying something new, Drops can quench your thirst for adventure.From its minimalist design to its  fast-paced micro games, you wont find anything else quite like Drops.Rather than encouraging you to connect words in your target language to words in your native language, Drops uses illustrations to help you link a word to its actual meaning. All in all, Drops aims to make learning fun and addictive.If you need any more proof that Drops is unique and innovat ive, though, we offer you this tidbit: Drops has a five-minute session limit. You probably wont get overwhelmed or intimidated if you know your learning activity will only be five minutes!Dont spend your whole life searching for the best language learning app for you.Base your choice on your personality traits, and you just might find your language learning soulmate!

Learning Space

Learning Space Learning Space The Learning Space The Learning Space is a small school (60 students - 2 teachers) that started with the intention of giving an education with a difference. We create a space for children to grow and to connect through learning. Our teachers are passionate about making the world a better placeand it is our responsibility to educate inspire our students to want to make the world a better place. We empower educate children to create the most modern sustainable Vietnam. The School hosts a safe supportive learning environment for students to thrive in whilst focusing on enjoyment through learning and building confidence in English and life. The Learning Space was setup to promote a supportive student oriented style of learning whilst the students enjoy their learning so they are excited to come to class. There is a high focus on real world issues solutions like sustainability, environment, mindfulness and personal growth. There are no teaching assistants used to promote the use of English language used always. We use curriculums that are relevant to this world like; National Geographic Our World, TED Talks - Keynote Oxford Discovery Were not just an English Centre. We are a community. We are a family. We are a safe space for students to be themselves. We are are space for the community to come together. We are here to support the students and empower them for the world they are growing up to be in. The school is located in a beautiful quiet community called Ecopark, 15 km from Hanoi.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Make More of an Impact When it Comes to Your Child Learning English

Make More of an Impact When it Comes to Your Child Learning EnglishHave you ever thought of how you can make more of an impact on your child when it comes to the experience of learning English? English as a second language is the way in which children learn the language. In this new language, there are a lot of different things that children will be exposed to. This article will discuss the impact that learning English has on your child and how to ensure that they make the most of their English experience.Having a second language has a huge impact on the child's life because of the benefits that you will be able to enjoy in their future. They will be exposed to a whole lot of culture and this will greatly impact their lives and the things that they want to do. Let us look at some of the areas that you can get benefit from when it comes to the experience of learning English.The first area that you can consider for an English experience is the classroom. With the introduction of learni ng English, you will be able to see what the best methods are for a child to learn English. With a lot of resources available to you, you will be able to tailor it to suit your child's needs.Another thing that you will be able to get out of an English learning experience is the ability to communicate with people around the world. You can help to enable your child to speak a very important language that they would have never been able to before. There are so many advantages to be gained through a first language and you can have a lot of fun helping your child achieve this.Another great thing about the experience of learning English is that you will be able to learn a lot of vocabulary. This will help your child to read the text more effectively and to be able to understand what is being said. This is a valuable tool and one that you can use to help them through their English lessons.Of course the experience of learning English will go even further than this and you will be able to he lp your child become a better person. As they are immersed in a new language, they will be able to build confidence and they will have the opportunity to see a much wider range of cultures. You will be able to instil a much more positive outlook in your child by helping them build up their confidence.So if you are interested in making more of an impact on your child by helping them experience an English lesson, then there are a lot of resources that you can use. It is important that you give your child as much choice as possible when it comes to their experience. This is where you will be able to get to make the most of the experience and help them to become more fluent in English.

College Algebra - How to Get a Help From a College Clep Tutor

College Algebra - How to Get a Help From a College Clep TutorCollege Algebra is an important course and there are a number of college Clep Tutors who can help in such a situation. To excel in this subject, you need to know the principles of algebra and then apply it in the right way. By applying it in the right way, you will gain a deeper understanding of the subject and prepare yourself for further courses in the future.The first thing that you should do when looking for a college Algebra Clep Tutor is to set a timetable for yourself. You need to give yourself enough time to prepare for the lessons that you will be receiving. This will not only help you prepare for the lessons, but also give you ample time to study for your Exams. It is important to get adequate study time in your schedule to prepare for exams so that you have enough time to prepare for them as well.When looking for a college Algebra Clep Tutor, you should also consider where you are going to be studying. If you are going to be studying at home or at school, you will want to find a college Clep Tutor who has the knowledge and experience to teach this course at home. In either case, you will need to look for someone who is qualified to teach the subject at home and also in a classroom environment.With all of these considerations in mind, you should be able to narrow down the number of college Algebra Clep Tutors you are looking for. You can then look for a college Clep Tutor that has been in this job for at least ten years and has had at least one year of experience teaching college algebra. Ideally, you will want to find a college Clep Tutor who had more than two years of experience and has taught college algebra in the past.A college Clep Tutor will usually teach college algebra from A-B-C through G. Make sure that the college Clep Tutor you are considering for your place in class is going to teach the subject from each chapter through to the end of the course. It is important to ensure that you are able to complete the course within the time frame given to you by the college Clep Tutor.A college Clep Tutor will normally send you a written test before you start the college Algebra Clep and you need to ensure that you have the time available to get yourself ready for the test. You will need to use a textbook with all of the information that is provided on the book and also any extra practice material that you may need. This will ensure that you are able to pass the test and you will still get the course.A college Clep Tutor will usually have all of the study materials, books, and practice questions that are used in college Algebra and they will have access to the test book. You will find that the tutors will have both online and paper-based tests and you need to make sure that you are comfortable with the test material that is being given to you so that you can pass it and get the college Algebra Clep that you are after.

Truth or Myth The Reality Behind 6 Common Tips for Singers

Truth or Myth The Reality Behind 6 Common Tips for Singers Sign up successful Myth: Drinking Milk (Or Eating Chocolate) Will Ruin Your Voice Fact: Unless You Have Acid Reflux, You Can Have Your Milk Have you ever swallowed something and commenced a loud coughing fit because it “went down the wrong tube”? That correctly implies that we have two tubes in our throats (one for air and one for food).  We are built so that food does not touch our vocal cords. The esophagus transports food and the trachea transports air. Unless you have a condition such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) â€" wherein stomach acid and food re-enters your esophagus and leaks past your epiglottis into your vocal tract â€" enjoy that glass of milk. Myth: You Sing From Your Throat Fact: You Sing Using A Whole Lot of Stuff Saying that a singer sings “from the throat” or even “from the diaphragm” is an oversimplification. It’s like saying that a flute can make noise by itself. A singer is a complicated, protean instrument with a power source (air), a sound maker (the vocal cords and the muscles that control them), and a resonator (the face and vocal tract). There are a myriad of parts involved in this process, from the intercostal muscles to the tongue to the soft palate. Myth: The Voice Is Strong and Can Take Lots of Abuse Fact: Your Vocal Cords are Tiny and Need TLC Vocal cords are squishy, miniscule, and helpless. They are made of mucous membrane (a soft tissue) stretched between muscles. Adult male vocal cords are about the length of a quarter; adult female vocal cords are about the length of a dime.  When you sing or speak improperly (e.g. yell in loud restaurants or sports games), your vocal cords slam together. There is only so much of this your poor little cords can take before bumps, calluses (nodules), or even bloody hemorrhoids form. So, if you think your voice is invincible, think again. Myth: If I Take Voice Lessons For A Month I Will Know Everything About Singing Fact: No One Knows Everything About Singing Expecting to know everything about singing after a few lessons is like expecting to know everything about cooking after taking a few cooking classes. There is always more to learn, even for the best chefs (and singers) in the world. Myth: If My Throat Hurts, A Special Concoction of Lemon Water, Tea, Honey, and Herbs Will Cure Me Fact: If Your Throat Hurts, Baby It There are a million reasons your throat could hurt. Illness, abuse, allergies, environmental factors, and medical conditions abound. Instead of trying to find a “magic pill” (here’s a little secret: there isn’t one), rest your voice the same way you would rest your leg if you hurt it. This is one of the most important tips for singers. Stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and use a humidifier in dry climates for a speedy recovery. Myth: Cough Drops are Good For Vocal Cords Fact: Mentholated Cough Drops are Bad for Vocal Cords Menthol, the active ingredient in most cough drops, numbs your throat. It’s just like taking a painkiller to mask pain from an injury. The injury isn’t gone; you just don’t feel it (and are therefore more likely to do further damage). Menthol can also be drying, which is the last thing you want if you have a sore throat. Stick to normal candy (glycerin coats the throat as well as any cough drop) or cough drops with pectin as the active ingredient. The biggest myths about singing probably evolved from people who genuinely wanted to sing well. Learning which common beliefs and tips for singers  are true â€" and which ones are false â€" helps you focus on actually improving your vocal health and technique. Toss those mentholated cough drops, enjoy that morning cup of coffee guilt-free, and work with a qualified voice teacher to see real results. Elaina R. teaches opera voice and  singing in Ann Arbor, MI, as well as through online lessons. She is currently  working on a Master of Music at the University of Michigan, and she has a B.M. from the University of Southern California.  Learn more about Elaina here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Shandi-lee Cox

5 Things That Happen When You Dont Speak Your Mind At Work

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Things That Happen When You Don’t Speak Your Mind At Work 5 Things That Happen When You Don’t Speak Your Mind At Work We all have opinions. All kinds of opinions on all kinds of topics. Expressing them, discussing them and sharing them is part of the fun of being human; our differing thoughts and varying ideologies help us grow and develop as people. Opinions are wonderful things. Except in the workplace. At work, opinions are terrifying. At work, a controversial opinion can lead to you to be disliked, it can harm your reputation and even leave you vulnerable to losing your job. For that reason, even those of us who are confident and assertive in our personal lives, end up falling victim to workplace passivity; sitting in meetings, keeping schtum when our boss says something we completely disagree with. Although remaining silent can seem like the easier option in the moment, the inability to voice an opinion can be harmful to your organisation and detrimental to your own career in the long run. To illustrate this, here are five things that happen when you DON’T speak your mind at work, to make you think twice next time someone asks “What do you think?” 1. You Will Lose Respect If you continually agree with all decisions and ideas in the workplace, you will be viewed as apathetic. You will lose the respect of your colleagues and superiors and they will eventually stop asking for your thoughts. A person who voices an opinion even a contrasting one, stands out and automatically demands authority. If you are able to say what you think with integrity and without offending anyone, you will command the kind of respect that gets you noticed and helps elevate your career. 2. You Could Jeopardise Your Job Keeping quiet and saying nothing looks like the safer option on the surface, but in fact, your silence could prove dangerous. Failing to voice your opinion could lead you to go along with decisions and ideas that you don’t agree with and know are wrong. This is often associated with workplace bullying. Although this kind of behaviour is usually down to one or two individuals, when many people notice victimisation and fail to make a stand, every witness becomes passively complicit. 3. You Will Impact The Growth Of Your Organisation All innovation and growth begin and ends with a great idea. If you have a creative thought with lots of potential but hold back in fear of looking foolish, your overall organisation won’t have the chance to try new things and move forward. 4. You Will Lose Your Sense Of Self Your opinions form your personality and who you are at your very core. If you are afraid to voice them, you will begin to question your integrity and lose sight of your moral compass. This lack of self-confidence can impact your mental health by increasing anxiety levels and therefore affect your overall performance at work. Even if voicing your opinion has a negative outcome, you will be able to stand back and know that despite it all, you have been true to yourself. 5. You Won’t learn Being agreeable seems like an easy way to keep all risks low. If you don’t say anything controversial, you won’t look foolish, you won’t make enemies and you won’t make any mistakes, right? That might be true. However, looking foolish, making an error and going against the grain are often our most valuable learning experience. In your career, not making mistakes can be the biggest mistake you make Voicing an opinion is incredibly daunting, however, it’s just a matter of breaking a behavioural habit. The first time you gather the courage to say what you think, you will be intimidated but each time after that will become easier. Eventually, you’ll feel free and when speaking your mind it will become instinctive. Regretting action is always worse than regretting inaction. Next time you’re asked for your opinion, say what you think and deal with the consequences instead of sitting back quietly and beating yourself up for all the things you should have said. Written by Lana Richardson, journalist and content marketing specialist. Lana is the current blog editor for and OFFICE POLITICS Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer